Stool Testing for Better Gut Health

test tubes being used for lab tests
Lab Tests, Stool Tests, SIBO, Candida Tests & More
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What Do These Stool Tests Check?

Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis and Parasitology (CDSA/P)

This test evaluates digestion and absorption of meat fibers, plant fibers and fats, gut flora, parasites, and your colonic environment, it checks for proper enzymes and stomach acid production.

Comprehensive Microbiology

This analysis tests a stool sample for levels of good bacteria, imbalanced bacterial growth, yeast, and disease-causing bacteria. The lab also performs sensitivity testing to evaluate the effectiveness of natural products for the treatment of your specific strains of bacteria and yeast.

Comprehensive Parasitology

This test looks for parasites, as well as good bacteria, bad bacteria, and yeast. The sensitivity of the bad organisms to natural products that can be used to eradicate them is also tested.

GI Map or GI360 Stool Tests

These tests provide the above information, plus additional gut health markers like how well you are digesting plant fiber, meat, and fats, markers of inflammation in the gut, occult blood in the stool, and more.

Signs That You Need a Stool Test

The following are signs and symptoms that you may benefit from a stool test:

What The Stool Test Tells Us:

The information obtained depends on which of these specific tests is ordered. We can learn about whether you are digesting meat, vegetables, and fats properly, whether there is inflammation in your gut, if there is yeast overgrowth or a bacteria overgrowth, parasites, and more.

If you are suffering from any kind of digestive disorder you may benefit from stool testing. Our tests investigate far more thoroughly than conventional stool testing does.