Lab Tests

test tubes being used for lab tests
Lab Testing


What is a SIBO Test?

SIBO Breath tests involve consuming a lactulose or glucose drink. Afterward, you collect a breath sample to measure the production of hydrogen and methane gases by bacteria in your small intestine. These are produced through fermentation of the lactulose or glucose by your gut bacteria. Lactulose is a synthetic sugar that cannot be absorbed by humans. This enables lactulose to travel the entire length of the small intestine undigested. It helps us to detect SIBO that only occurs in the furthest portion of your small intestine. Glucose is easily absorbed by humans and so it doesn’t reach the end of the small intestine. Read more for signs you need this test and what it shows.

Digestion – CDSA, CDSA/P, Comprehensive Microbiology, Comprehensive Parasitology Stool Tests

What Stool Tests Check:

These are a variety of stool tests that we use to check all the factors that may impact your digestion. Your naturopath will discuss with you which one would be most appropriate for you. Read more for signs you need this test and what it shows.

Zonulin Test

What the Zonulin Test Checks:

The test is looking in your blood for levels of zonulin. Zonulin is a protein that regulates the permeability of your digestive tract by affecting tight junctions. Read more for signs you need this test and what it shows.

Food Allergies/Sensitivities/Intolerance

What is Food Sensitivity Testing?

Food allergy blood testing is looking in your blood for antibodies that your immune system is making to attack food. When you make these antibodies, they bind to the triggering food creating an antibody-antigen complex. These complexes then deposit in your body and trigger inflammation and a variety of symptoms. Read more for signs you need this test and what it shows.

Female Hormone Testing

What are Female Hormone Blood Tests?

The test is either a blood test to check your hormone levels. The specific hormones tested will depend on the nature of your symptoms. The tests may include estradiol, progesterone, DHEAs, total testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, DHT, LH, FSH, cortisol, TSH, free T3, free T4, anti-thyroid antibodies, and more. Read more for signs you need this test

Male Hormone Testing

What are Male Hormone Tests:

The test is either a blood test to check your hormone levels. The specific hormones tested will depend on the nature of your symptoms. The tests may include estradiol, progesterone, DHEAs, total testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, DHT, LH, FSH, cortisol, TSH, free T3, free T4, anti-thyroid antibodies, and more. Read more for signs you need this test

Tests for Adrenal Fatigue or HPA axis dysfunction

What is an Adrenal Fatigue Test or HPA axis dysfunction test?

An adrenal function test or adrenal stress test analyzes 4 saliva samples that you collect over a 24-hour period for 4 cortisol levels and one DHEAs level. Read more for signs that you may need this test.

Thyroid Tests

What are thyroid blood tests?

Thyroid blood tests help to determine if your thyroid is working properly, if you are able to convert thyroid hormone (T4) into its active form (T3), whether you are able to use T3 properly and whether you have an autoimmune thyroid condition. Read more for signs that you need thyroid testing

MTHFR Testing

How to access MTHFR testing in Ontario:

Naturopathic doctors in Ontario are not allowed to order genetic testing of any kind, including MTHFR testing.  Here’s how to access this information on your own:

Order genetic testing yourself through

After your results return, contact 23andme and ask them for your raw data. Input that information into the Found My Fitness app, Sterling’s app, or Genetic Genie for MTHFR interpretation. Book an appointment for guidance on how to manage the results of your test.

How to Get Lab Tests Through a Naturopath

Book an appointment here to find out which tests are most appropriate for you. Don’t see a test that you are interested in? Odds are that we can access it for you. Just send us an email at or call the office at 416-481-0222 and we’ll get right back to you with the information.

By Dr. Pamela Frank, Naturopathic Doctor, updated Feb. 22, 2022