FAQ About Naturopathic Doctors

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Naturopathic Medicine

What is a Naturopath and why should I see one?
What kind of training does a Naturopathic Doctor have?
Can you treat __________________?
What should I expect from a visit to Forces of Nature?
How many visits will I need?
What’s the difference between a Naturopathic Doctor and a Homeopathic Doctor?
What does it cost to see a Naturopathic Doctor?
Is Naturopathic Medicine covered by OHIP?
What is your success rate?

What is a Naturopath and why should I see one?

Naturopathic Doctors are medical professionals that specialize in and offer guidance on all-natural forms of treatment for any kind of condition. Those forms of treatment include acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine style), homeopathy, herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), clinical nutrition, and hydrotherapy. Naturopathic doctors can often help conventional treatments to work better or solve underlying issues without drugs or surgery. Naturopathic medicine focuses on disease prevention and maintaining excellent health as well as the treatment of any disease.

What kind of training does a Naturopathic Doctor have?

To become a Naturopathic Doctor, we have completed at least three years of university education including courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology. We have then completed another four years of full-time study at one of the accredited universities that teach Naturopathic Medicine. After completion of the course, graduates must then write a series of rigorous licensing exams in order to be eligible to practice Naturopathic Medicine in Ontario. Beware of those calling themselves naturopathic practitioners, naturopathic therapists, holistic practitioners, health coaches, or anything else without the ND designation or the phrases Naturopathic Doctor or Naturopathic Physician. These people are not properly qualified naturopathic doctors and will probably not be covered by your health insurance.

Can you treat __________________?

The simple answer to whether we can treat any given condition is “yes“. In fact, we don’t treat conditions at all, we treat people. After we determine the root cause of the condition, we combine our many healing methods to improve health and supply the resources for your body to repair itself. The conditions that we most commonly treat include allergies, asthma, skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema, women’s health issues like fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, infertility, PCOS, menopause and PMS, digestive tract issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease like high cholesterol and high blood pressure and much more. If you are unsure, feel free to contact us by phone at 416-481-0222 or email and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

What should I expect from a visit with Dr. Pamela Frank?

  • An in-depth discussion of all aspects of your medical history and current conditions.
  • Full consideration of every component of your health.
  • A screening physical exam (virtual or in-person).
  • A comprehensive treatment plan tailored specifically to get at the underlying cause of your specific health concern.
  • Above all, care and respect.

How many visits will I need?

That depends on the type and extent of your problem and the type of treatment involved. The initial visit is generally an information-gathering session and preliminary treatment. A second visit is usually scheduled for about three weeks later at which time we’ll review the initial treatment and add, remove or change things as necessary. If one of our “hands-on” therapies like acupuncture is appropriate, weekly visits may be required for up to 6-8 weeks. Otherwise, follow-up visits can be anywhere from one to six months apart for checkups and preventative maintenance.

What’s the difference between a Naturopathic Doctor and a Homeopathic Doctor?

A homeopathic doctor is trained in and uses one form of natural treatment for his/her patients, homeopathy. A naturopathic doctor (ND) is qualified in a wide range of natural therapies including homeopathy. ND’s receive four years of full-time postgraduate training in basic medical sciences and natural treatment and are licensed, health professionals. A naturopathic doctor can combine homeopathic treatment with acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, supplements, hydrotherapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine for optimal results.

What does it cost to see a Naturopathic Doctor?

That depends on the naturopath and on your health insurance coverage. At Forces of Nature, we strive to keep our costs affordable so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of naturopathic treatment.

First visit (75 minutes) $260 (HST exempt as of Feb 12, 2014)
Extensive intake, medical history, physical examination, preliminary treatment recommendations, questionnaires re: diet, vitamin/mineral status, overall health review questionnaire.
New patients should bring a list of any medications, herbs, and/or vitamins or other supplements that they are currently taking and if they have any recent lab or other diagnostic reports related to their condition should bring them as well.

Second visit (45 minutes) $160 (HST exempt as of Feb 12, 2014)
Evaluation of questionnaires, review blood work, follow-up on current prescription, additions or changes to treatment protocol as necessary

Subsequent visits (30 minutes) $100 (HST exempt as of Feb 12, 2014)
Follow-up on the current treatment plan, update on new treatments and research.  If a longer reassessment visit is needed, then time is billed at $140 per hour accordingly. 

If you have a health benefits package, all or part of these fees may be reimbursed. When you pay, we will issue you a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company.

Is Naturopathic Medicine covered by OHIP?

No, naturopathic medicine is not covered by OHIP, but it is frequently covered by private health insurance plans. If your benefits package does not cover naturopathic doctors, you can request that your employer expand your coverage to include these services.  You can also contact your local MP to express your desire to have naturopathic medicine covered under OHIP.

What is your success rate?

Our success depends on your commitment and motivation. Our clients who follow our recommendations invariably see excellent results. The more closely you adhere to your treatment plan the better the outcome you will get.

Have more questions?

Book a free 15-minute consultation, email Maria at Maria@ForcesofNature.ca or go ahead and book your initial visit.